Sabah Trip 2013 - #AnthonyWedsTress
To everything and everywhere there is a first time. This time around is my first time visiting the state of Sabah. Having gone to Sarawak just two weeks ago, I can now tell others that I have been to East Malaysia. This trip happened due to the wedding of Anthony and Tressilla who are our dear friends from City Harvest Church, KL. It has been an honor to be able to witness the merging from two to one of this lovely couple.
First impression wise, Sabah has been beautiful and quite peaceful. However, there are still some elements that reminded me of the busy town of Kuala Lumpur. Overall, it seem like an easy-going and quite peaceful place to live, similar to the land of the cats - Kuching, Sarawak.
This has so far been a pretty free and easy trip for me personally, although many are busy with the wedding preparation. I really I could help out more to ease the burden on the shoulders of those who are in charge of the wedding as a whole, but it seemed like they have enough hands to handle it, and more hands will ultimately spoil the soup. So, I pretty much just chilled the entire time while they are busy with everything.
The entire day of the wedding has been really a different experience, because this is the first time I am able to witness the groom fetching his bride from her family home. I am not sure about other cultures, but in the Chinese culture, the groom will have to go through some obstacles/games before claiming his bride, and these games can sometimes go to the extreme where they are required to wear their undergarments above the clothes they have on. Only upon accomplishing all the required tasks, the groom will then be allowed to claim his bride.
This is very first time I have the privilege witness such an event. It makes me wonder and worried that when it comes to my turn to claim my bride one day, what am I required to do. However, it can be certain that I will do my utmost best to accomplish every one of them, and I will do it with excellence, because in a sense, this is also a way to show the bridesmaid and maid of honor how much I love my future bride.

After almost an hour going through all obstacles, the groom finally succeeded in claiming his bride. The sight of his joy and relief was evident in his smiles, and in his speech. The entire matrimony went really well, with the one of the highlights being Anthony singing during the entrance of his lovely bride, and ended at a high note with Anthony and Tressilla thanking everyone for their presence to witness their matrimony and of course not forgetting the customary photo opportunity with the bride and groom.
What is a wedding without its dinner reception. The dinner reception was held at a ballroom just above the 1 Borneo shopping mall. It was filled with good food, fellowship, performances, video presentations and speeches. Overall, it was a beautiful and romantic night for the newly weds. To top it all off, the dinner reception ended with the dance - in the Kadazan fashion which is pretty freestyle. It is a sight to behold as family and friends celebrate the marriage of Mr & Mrs Anthony Chang.
Wedding has always been one of the joyous occasions to witness and it has always been honor and privilege to be invited to witness the merging of two.
Speaking of which, a congratulations is in order to the newly weds, Mr & Mrs Anthony Chang. It is my prayer that you will have a great life together, and that both of you will grow together more and more in love with one another each day, and grow closer to God together - running the vision He has for you in your lives. Indeed TWO is Better than one.
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